Student Solution


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Week 13 Discussion Reflect on peer feedback

Week 13 Discussion Reflect on peer feedback

Q Peer Feedback is an important part of the writing process, but it can also be very difficult, both giving and receiving feedback. Take some time to reflect and share with us your past experiences, as well as your thoughts and suggestions related to giving and receiving peer feedback. What are your past experiences with peer feedback? How do you suggest peer feedback be done to be both supportive and helpful? What are some ways peer feedback might go wrong or not be helpful? What are your suggestions for how to handle and use feedback that is provided to you?

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My past experiences with peer feedback have been positive mostly. This is because the evaluation and feedback provided about me by my peers had been constructive even after being criticizing. The comments made by my peers had been genuine and no exaggeration had been done. However, sometimes there have been situations when my evaluation and feedback have not been done with complete honesty and interest by some of my peers. I have also evaluated my peers by not thinking much sometimes.